
April Fools and Other Foolishness

The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of sense.” – Proverbs 10:21

What’s the best April Fools joke you’ve seen?

April Fools can be a lot of fun when we keep the pranks to being harmless and not hurtful. Sometimes, though the pranks can move from being playful fun to being hurtful and humiliating.

What about the rest of year?

No, I’m not pushing for pranks for the whole year (though that might be interesting), I’m talking about how we interact with others through the rest of the year. Those interactions can be uplifting or hurtful, too.

Proverbs 10:21 encourages us to consider what we say to people. Are we being wise, helpful, and uplifting or are they misleading people or hurting them?

What are some of the ways we can be foolish with our lips?

  • Gossip
  • Insults
  • Accusing without knowing
  • Sharing misleading or false things
  • What else can you think of?

It can be easy to slip into one of these and even feel righteous about it. Maybe we share something about someone else to a third party because you’re discussing spiritual things, but that person really didn’t need to know. Maybe you feel like you need to correct someone with Scripture, but you haven’t taken the time to find out what’s really going on and that correction isn’t needed. Or maybe the correction is needed but should be done gently and in private.

Let’s Build Each Other Up
The Scriptures in many places encourage us to build each other up.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

When we encourage each other, share helpful true instruction, teach the Word of God, and show kindness with our words, we build each other up rather than tearing each other down. It’s what we would want others to do for us and what we can do for others. It unifies and strengthens relationships and glorifies God.

How can you build someone up, today?

Do you need to apologize to someone for having torn them down?

Heavenly Father,

May the words from my mouth honor You and build up my neighbor. Help me to seek to defend others and protect them, rather than gossip or insult. Ground me in Your truth and help me to share that truth with others.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt