
Better Than Words

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” – Romans 8:26-27

Have you ever had someone say something to you that just left you speechless?

It happens to me now more than ever since I have kids. Sometimes it’s something that makes me think,

“I’m sorry, did you just dare to say that to me?”

Other times, it’s something that makes me think,

“Where did you learn such wisdom?”

Of course, there are also the times when I’m thinking,

“Did I drop this child at some point because that made no sense?”

Life gives us those speechless moments, too. Sometimes they are horrifying moments, other times they are awe-inspiring, and sometimes they are bewildering.

Prayer in the Speechless Times
In those times when we want to pray but are at a loss for words, what do we do?

Pray without words.

You can say something like,

“God, I am so overwhelmed right now that I don’t know what to say, but You know my heart.”

Then, just sit quietly with God. Let the Spirit do the praying for you. The Spirit knows the Father’s heart and He knows our heart better than we know it, ourselves. Trust that the Spirit is interceding for you. While we may not know what’s being uttered, I’d bet it’s better than anything we could have come up with anyway.

Holy Spirit,

You know me better than I know myself. Intercede for me in those moments when I don’t know what to pray. Then fill me with Your presence, overflowing with Your peace, comfort, and love.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt