
But I Didn't Know...

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” – Romans 1:20

I’ve heard the question many times.

“You say Jesus is the only way to be saved. What about the people who live in some far off location who don’t have a Bible or anything?”

Most of the time, the question isn’t really about the person in a remote location. It’s either trying to make God into an unreasonable and unfair God or it’s trying to find a loophole. However, God answered that question.

From the beginning, God has made Himself known through His creation. He created a beautiful and magnificent universe that is both complex and orderly. Yes, many people deny what is before their eyes, but it’s still there.

Additionally, people have a conscience, the Law written on their hearts. As Romans 2 puts it:

For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them” – Romans 2:14-15

So, as God puts it in our passage from Romans 1, no one has an excuse.

You can’t say, “I didn’t know.”

You may not have been able to put the name, Jesus, to what you see, but you can see and believe that God is behind the beauty of the sunset or the magnificence of the human body. You may not have used the words, “Thou shalt not,” but your conscience told you shouldn’t steal your neighbor’s Playstation.

Sometimes, people who don’t know about Jesus, hear about Him for the first time and instantly know this is what they have been missing and believe. They realized there was a God and there was right and wrong, but didn’t know about Jesus. When they hear it more fully reveals God to them.

I’m reminded of the story of Cornelius in Acts 10.

He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.” – Acts 10:2

God sent an angel telling him to seek out Peter. He does and Peter tells Cornelius about Jesus. The Holy Spirit filled Cornelius and his household and they believed.

Ultimately, God is the judge and we let God deal with those who have not heard about Jesus, knowing that God is loving and merciful and desires all people to be saved.

Let’s ask the question again sincerely.

When asked out of a real concern about those people who haven’t heard, the above is still true, but the question brings about another response. We know that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” So, as those who share in God’s desire that all should be saved, the question motivates us to see to it that those people do hear about Jesus.

“How beautiful are the feet who bring good news!”

Rather than finding fault in God or a loophole in the system, we are driven to either go ourselves or support those missionaries who go out into all the world to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people.

So, I’ll ask you the question.

What about those who haven’t heard about Jesus?

Heavenly Father,

You desire all people to be saved. Send us out to all the world, both near and far, to tell others about Jesus. Send me. I also lift up those who are serving as missionaries. Bless their ministry, protect them, and provide for them. If I may support them, please show me the opportunity.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt