“I like that the service is traditional but casual, so it always feels welcoming and never stuffy. I am very grateful to have found a community which genuinely cares about us to join in worship.”
– Carrie
Your Wesley Chapel Church Home
“I like that the service is traditional but casual, so it always feels welcoming and never stuffy. I am very grateful to have found a community which genuinely cares about us to join in worship.”
– Carrie
At Faith Lutheran Church in Wesley Chapel, FL you will discover a vibrant, new church that has…
In addition to Sunday worship, our Growth Groups meet in people’s homes for Bible Study and fellowship as well as serving together in the community.
Dress varies, but most dress casually. You can wear what makes you comfortable.
You’ll fit right in whether you’re single, married, young or older.
We range from new born to seasoned citizens. We love Jesus and we love each other like family…and we’d love to meet you.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week. We believe that Jesus’ body and blood are truly present in the Lord’s Supper. If you believe in Jesus, are repentant of your sins, and believe Christ’s body and blood are truly present, you are welcome to participate in the Lord’s Supper. If you aren’t sure about any of these things, please talk with Pastor Kurt before receiving Communion.
We believe that there are amazing contemporary worship songs and great traditional hymns as well. So our music includes contemporary music as well as traditional hymns done in a contemporary style.
We also post the music for the week on our blog and include YouTube videos so you can listen to the songs before the service.
In addition to the message and music, our services include many of the elements of the traditional Lutheran divine service, including confession & absolution, readings from the Bible, the Lord’s prayer, and the creed.
You will learn about God, find purpose and meaning, and have practical take-aways from the messages.
There is power in God’s Word. So, each week Pastor Kurt preaches a message from the Word of God. We alternate between following the Lutheran lectionary and doing sermon series.
Youth Services
One of our core values is helping you pass your faith on to your children. One way we do this is making the first Sunday of each month a Youth Service.
Your older youth can participate as…
Your kids will love the music, the 2 children’s messages, and that the sermon is very short.
Faith and Food Worship Services
You’ll love the fellowship of the worship service on the second Sunday of each month when we have our worship service during a potluck brunch.
All the liturgical elements of the service are present. For the message, though, we use a discussion format rather than the typical sermon.
Regular Worship Services
The third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of each month have many of the elements of traditional Lutheran service and a sermon-style message.
Children 3 yrs old to 5th grade start in the worship service with their family and then go to Faith Kids Children’s Church for an engaging message and activities during the message part of the worship service.
Your older kids will find friends and purpose in the God Squad youth group. They aren’t kids anymore and we know that. This is the time when they are growing into God-loving adults.
At Faith Lutheran Church, the entire family can belong and love following Jesus.
Need prayer?
God tells us that He listens and answers when we pray. Whatever it is that you are going through, we would love to pray for you.
Click here to send us a prayer request.
27221 Foamflower Blvd. Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Copyright 2022, Faith Lutheran Church, Wesley Chapel. All Rights Reserved.