
No Degree Required

The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” – Psalm 119:130

How did you feel the first time you really started reading the Bible? Was it daunting…exciting…enlightening?

God’s Word is unlike any other book. It is God’s revelation of Himself and His salvation to mankind. It is intended for all people, young and old.

There are some passages which may cause leave us scratching our head after we read them and others which seem pretty straight forward. We may sometimes feel like we need an advanced degree to really understand it, but do we?

God’s Word for All People
We need to remember two things when reading the Bible:

  1. God’s Word is meant for all people.
  2. The Holy Spirit helps us truly understand and believe God’s Word.

Intended for All People
Why is it important to remember that God’s Word is intended for all people? Back in the middle ages and even before, there were people who said that the Bible had several levels of meaning and that the plain meaning of the text was the least important. That made most people think they couldn’t understand the Bible. However, it wasn’t true.

If you were writing a book for young and old, educated and uneducated, alike, would you make it complex and hidden? Of course not! Sure, there are some parts that have analogies or symbols or other more difficult things, but most of the time the plain meaning of the text is what you are meant to understand.

The Holy Spirit Gives Understanding
Why does it matter that the Holy Spirit is the one who helps us understand? It means that the smartest among us can miss the meaning while the simplest understand. The Holy Spirit can give understanding and faith to anyone. Our human understanding can miss any of it and can never create faith.

So, read the Bible.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you understand it. He will. His Spirit will create and nurture your faith. He will reveal God and His plan of salvation.

Keep Reading the Bible

One of the other great things about God’s Word is that we keep learning and growing. I still frequently reread a passage and see something I didn’t see before that adds depth and beauty. God is infinite and His wisdom and knowledge are infinite. The more the read the richer the text becomes. It never gets old.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your Word. Help me to have a hunger for it. As I read it, help me to understand it and read it in faith. Strengthen my faith and deepen my understanding.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt