
Peace, Love, Faith And Grace To You

Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.” – Ephesians 6:23-24

Have you ever wished someone well as you left them?

I’ve noticed more and more that when someone on social media isn’t feeling well or has something bad happen to them, many people respond with something like,

“Hopeful thoughts”

“You’re in my thoughts.”

“Well wishes.”

As our society becomes more and more secular, people are finding new ways to say “I’m praying for you,” because…well…they aren’t. While I appreciate that they are expressing that they care and recognize they are being honest, it still saddens me.

A Wish vs A Blessing or Prayer
What is the difference between a wish and a prayer or a wish and a blessing? On the surface, they can sound very similar. I can wish someone well or wish something would get better and I can pray for someone to be well or pray for a situation to get better.

However, there is a difference…and it’s huge.

A wish or thought is only an expression of compassion. A blessing or prayer is an appeal to the God of the universe. I like expressions of compassion, but when I’m sick or in a bind, I want real help, the kind of help the One who created all things and holds them all together can give.

The Benediction
Ephesians 6:23-24 are the final verses of Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. He concludes as we do our worship services, with a benediction. He blesses them with the peace, love, faith, and grace of God. He blesses them with everything they need to strengthen them to endure until the Day of our Lord.

This blessing is much more than a wish because God stands behind it.

Peace be to you, brother or sister, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with you and all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt