Romans Bible Study

Romans 15:4-7 "The God of Endurance and Encouragement"

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Video Notes: 

  • Christianity is full of sacrifice and suffering. We suffer for the sake of Jesus and His Gospel. We sacrifice for our neighbor.
  • Jesus is well acquainted with suffering and sacrifice. Indeed, it was by His suffering and sacrifice that we are Christian, saved by His death and resurrection.
  • God does not leave us alone in our suffering and sacrifice. He is always with us and never forsakes us, but He also gives us His Word.
  • God’s Word isn’t just there to teach us and give us knowledge. It’s living and active. It reveals our sin and works repentance in our heart. It tells us the Gospel and works faith in our heart. It also gives encouragement and helps us to endure through the hope revealed to us in the Scriptures. 
  • What do you do when you feel warn down? suffer? face persecution? have to sacrifice for another?
    • Do you read the Bible? Do you listen to the Word preached?
    • Try it! Experience the working of God through His Word. Experience His encouragement. Experience His peace. Experience His joy. Let Him strengthen your faith and give you wisdom.
  • The power of the Bible is often ignored. We treat is as any other book, but it’s not any other book. It’s God Word.
  • Finally, this section of Romans, 14-15:7 is concluded with a blessing that we would live in the unity and harmony in accord with Christ Jesus. We are one church in Christ, and as a church we are to live in harmony with one another, even when there are different opinions regarding Christian freedom. Regardless of where we stand on those aspects of Christian freedom, we are to welcome one another, just as we were welcomed by Jesus.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt