Romans Bible Study

Romans 5:3-5 "Our Hope Will Not Put Us to Shame"

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Video Notes:

  • Suffering – Any external pressure
  • Not only does suffering not overthrow the reality of God’s blessings, they are an occasion for rejoicing.
  • This doesn’t mean the suffering, itself, is good or that we are rejoicing THAT we are suffering. Rather, we continue to rejoice in the blessings God has given and continues to give even when suffering. The suffering doesn’t mean God has abandoned us.
  • Notice the circular nature of what is happening. We stand in God’s gracious presence and boast in the sure hope of the glory of God in vs 2. Then we suffer (experience pressure trying to knock us down). God sustains us in that suffering to produce perseverance (so we endure), which gives/reveals tested character. Then we end up right where we started…with sure hope.
    • There is maturing that happens in this process, but not to new stages of faith or Christian living. We don’t “level up” like in a video game. Rather we mature in faith, hope, and endurance God has worked in us. And continue to have sure hope in Christ.
  • Finally, this hope does not put us to shame because the object of the hope (Jesus) is faithful and has and continues to pour out His love into our hearts where it continues to abide through the Holy Spirit who has been given.
    • This is all passive again. God’s love was poured into us. The Spirit was given to us. The Spirit continues to pour God’s love into us. This passage isn’t about telling you to endure in suffering so you receive God’s blessings and/or salvation. This is encouraging you by telling you what God has and continues to do, that the hope you have in Him is sure even in suffering.
  • One more note of interest…The language of God’s love being POURED out the Holy Spirit given is a reference to baptism, though this passage is not solely a reference to baptism. (Titus 3:5-6)

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt