Romans Bible Study

Romans 6:21 "The Fruit of Sin Is Death"

But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.

Video Notes:

  • Sin can be fun. It can be enjoyable in a sense. However, ultimately, it leads to death, eternal death. That’s the fruit. The natural result.
  • Those things that you pursued, that you reveled in, before you were baptized, you weren’t ashamed. In fact, to be ashamed of these sinful deeds is a 180 from before. Romans 1 describes how not only did we do sinful things, but we were so unashamed of them that we celebrated others for doing them as well.
  • It’s only now, with the Holy Spirit working in us that we are ashamed of those former deeds…or when we act like our former sin-slaves. This shame is good. It’s shame that leads to repentance.
  • Then something awesome happens. Romans 1:16-17 says we are not ashamed of the Gospel. All that we are ashamed of is no longer our shame because the Gospel has removed the guilt and shame of our sin.
  • Shame is a big deal with people. Hate the sin, love the sinner. To make sin the thing that was done, not the identity of the person. Part of the problem with some of our sins today is that society tries to convince people that it is their identity.
  • Our identity is found in Christ.
  • We did shameful deeds. The Holy Spirit by the Word made us ashamed of those deeds. That shame led us to repent and believe the Gospel by the power of the Spirit. That faith removed the shame. So, we are now unashamed of the Gospel. That is who you are, one who is in Christ, loved, forgiven, blessed…a child of God.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt