
Soup and Sandwiches This Sunday!

Last Sunday, after our worship service, several members from various families asked if we could have a meal, together, this coming Sunday. So, we will be having soup and sandwiches this coming Sunday.

Dinner Service:
In the past, we have combined our potluck dinners and worship services and we’ll be doing that this Sunday.

What to Expect:
We will begin by allowing people to get food and sit at distanced tables. Once everyone has their food, we will begin our service. It will be very similar to our normal worship service. We will have music, confession and absolution, prayer, and celebrate Communion. The only difference is you’ll have food and our sermon will have more of a discussion format.

We still encourage masks except, obviously, when your eating.

What to Bring:
We currently have people who have volunteered to bring soup, sandwiches, and drinks. Plates, bowls, and plasticware will also be provided. If you would like to bring a side dish or dessert, feel free, but if you can’t bring something that’s alright, too. We’d just love to have YOU there.

If you are bringing something, please arrive early enough to get everything set up before the service.

This Sunday we will be concluding our series on Households of Faith. The final part of the series is about how our church family at Faith can best support the individual households of the congregation to engage in the characteristics of household practices, spiritual conversations, and hospitality. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

See you on Sunday!!

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt