
The Question That Never Came Up

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” – Hebrews 13:5

Are you worried? Are you content?

This past summer, my family went on a vacation up to the mountains. We drove up to the mountains, purchased food, and did lots of fun things. My kids asked what we were going to do on any given day, they asked what was for dinner, and even asked about the water flow of a river. The one question I was never asked…

Can we afford this?

Why didn’t my kids ask about that? They didn’t ask because they didn’t worry about that. That’s Mom and Dad’s department. The thought doesn’t even enter their heads. There is one, question, however, that did come up.

Can I have that…and that…and that?

Why did that question come up? They asked because they want more. Sure, they were on vacation, their bellies were full, and they were surrounded by beautiful views, but that’s not enough.

I’d love to say that question never comes to my mind, but I suffer from the same issue. I want more. That car looks nicer. That TV is bigger. Steak would taste better than beans and rice. The truth, however, is that I have more than enough.

I also must confess that, unlike my kids, I have worried about our finances from time to time. What did that worry get me? Not much other than less sleep. One way or another, God has always taken care of us.

Be Content and Do Not Worry
God wants us to both be content with what we have and not worry about tomorrow. While contentment and worry seem to be opposites, they are really two sides of the same coin (pun intended). They both focus on money.

God wants us to focus on something else, to love something else…or rather, someONE else. He wants us to look to Him. We don’t have to worry about tomorrow and we can trust that what we have today is enough. Why? Because God is good and He will never leave us nor forsake us.

It’s all about trust.

Worry doesn’t trust that God can and will provide. Discontent doesn’t trust that God is really good, that what He has provided is enough.

Both worry and discontentment rob us of joy.

On the other hand, when we trust that God will provide and that, whether much or little, what He has provided is good, then we can relax. We can rest in the peace of God and enjoy what God has given us, knowing that He is good and He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Heavenly Father,

I confess that, at times, I have worried about tomorrow or not been satisfied with what you provided today. Please forgive me. Help me to trust that You are good and You will always provide what I need and never leave my side.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt