
Why We Pray to God Alone

“For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever,” – Matthew 6:13

The other day my son, Eli, who is 2 yrs old, was eating mashed potatoes. He finished what we had given him and turned to Melissa and me and said, “More ma tatoes. (his version of mashed potatoes)” There was a problem, though, we had given him the last of the mashed potatoes. We had no more.

So, we told Eli, “Mashed potatoes all gone. We don’t have anymore.” Eli didn’t like hearing this. He repeated again a bit louder, “MORE MA TATOES!” It didn’t help, though. There was nothing we could do.

My son was essentially doing to me, the same thing we do with God when we pray the Lord’s prayer. We ask for many things, including our daily bread, because we want and even need these things. Like God, I love to provide for my son. The difference, however, is that God is always able to provide, where I have limits.

At the beginning of the prayer, Jesus tells us to address God as Father. This shows us our relationship with God as we pray, that we can come to Him in confidence and boldness as a child comes to their parent who they know loves them and will care for them. At the end of the prayer, Jesus tells us why we pray to God and not others. It’s God’s kingdom and He has all the power. He is able to give what we ask.

We see this echoed in Ephesians.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21

So, God never has to say to us, “Sorry, the daily bread is all gone.” He who sent manna from heaven and gave water from a rock and spoke all things into existence can always provide…even more than we ask or imagine.

Heavenly Father,

You are mighty. All power is Yours. So, we come to You, alone, for all that we need, confident that you not only love us and want to care for us, but that You are able to provide at all times everything we need. Thank you.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt