
Please! What Can You do to me?

In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” – Psalm 56:4

Have you ever been in danger? Were you afraid?

Think about a time when you felt pressured to go against your beliefs or not talk about Jesus. How did you respond? Were you afraid?

We all face that fear from time to time. We don’t like it when things get hard or when people attack us.

David wrote this Psalm when his enemies, the Philistines, had seized him. Despite the very real danger, David praised God and His Word. It was in God and His Word that found comfort and strength because He knew God was greater.

What can flesh do to me?!!

When you start to feel that fear, give it to God.

Cast all your anxieties on Him, because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

We all feel fear. The question is how do we respond to it.

Heavenly Father,

Watch over me and protect me. When I face dangerous situations, remind me that You are with me. When I face pressure to go against You, give me strength to stand with You.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt

The Other Six

How To Use These Posts

The Other Six is a short, daily devotional blog post. You can use these posts for personal devotions, however, I’m also going to write them in such a way that you could use them for family devotions. I’ll include a Bible verse, questions and/or discussion points, and a closing prayer. I highly encourage you to do these devotions with your family or friends if possible.
