There Is Justice

There Is Justice

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” – Isaiah 42:3-4

What do you do when you are wronged?

Do you demand justice?

  • If a product doesn’t live up to our expectations, we return it.
  • If someone steals from us, we demand to be paid back and they are punished.
  • If we are hurt, do we demand someone to be arrested?

We innately know that the world is supposed to be just, but the affects of sin has made our world unjust and corrupt.

Injustice is all around us.

Whether it is political corruption, racism, human trafficking, the shifty used-car salesman or something else, we see injustice everywhere.  This shouldn’t surprise us, but it should bother us and we should not ignore the cries of the oppressed.

Over and over the Bible calls for us to stand up for the powerless, speak for the voiceless, and bring justice to the oppressed.

The Bible also tells us that God will ultimately bring justice.

God is perfectly just.  Sin will be dealt with.  We don’t always see it in our timing because God is patient in bringing His justice, but we should not let His patience lead us to believe He doesn’t care about justice or He will let wrong-doing go unpunished forever.  When Jesus returns, He will bring justice.

God, however, is also loving and compassionate.

It is His will that all should be saved, even that horrible person who wronged us. When Jesus came and died on the cross, He took our punishment.  He suffered and died to fulfill God’s judgment on sin.  Even in God’s grace, justice was served.  It is because He took our place, we can now have eternal life with God.

So, let us stand against injustice. Let’s speak for those who have no voice and defend those who cannot defend themselves. Let us also pray for those who practice injustice that they would repent and be saved.

Heavenly Father,
When I see injustice, it breaks my heart.  Let me not become calloused to oppression, but rather help me to stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves.  Help me also to love and be compassionate to the repentant wrong-doer, remembering that Jesus took the punishment that I deserved.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt