Finding Truth

Finding Truth

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” – John 17:17

What is your most trusted source of truth?

These days, truth can seem hard to find but there is one source that will never let you down. No, it’s not FoxNews, CNN, or NBC. Surprisingly, it’s also not the Internet. I know it’s hard to believe, but people lie on the Internet and pass on misinformation, half-truths, and myths.

God’s Word is Truth
It’s an amazing thing when you think about it. After so many sources in our lives claiming so many contradictory things, there is one place where we can know that everything we read is true.

God’s Word doesn’t “contain the truth,” as some have claimed. This claim tries to treat God’s Word like every other source out there. Some things are true and others aren’t. You have to figure out which is which. This claim isn’t true. What is true is that every word of God’s Word is truth. Period.

The Truth Sanctifies
To sanctify is to set apart for a special purpose. When God sanctifies, He sets us apart for His purpose, which is as special as it gets. 

One of the ways that God sets you apart is by His Word, it’s by the truth.

Let’s face it. When you trust God’s Word, that sets you apart. When you follow God’s ways instead of our culture, that makes you different. It’s not always easy, but it is always better. God’s ways are good and wise. However, it’s not just by our beliefs and actions that we are sanctified by God’s Word.

God’s Word sanctifies us by creating faith through the promises of God.

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” – Romans 10:17

By His Word, God purifies you. He washes you clean and gives you life. He makes you holy and so you are holy, indeed.

Heavenly Father,

Draw me to Your Word and then reveal Your Word to me by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Sanctify me and renew me by Your Word which is true, every word of it. Help me to understand and trust Your Word above all others.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt