Jesus: Head of the Church

Jesus: Head of the Church

And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.” – Colossians 1:18

Why do we have the church and who runs it?

When you say the word, “church,” the person you are speaking to may have any of a number of ideas in their minds. Some people may think of…

  • A building where Christians hold worship services
  • A worship service
  • A group of people who meet on Sunday mornings
  • All the people who believe in Jesus

When we see “church” in the Bible, it’s referring to all the people who believe in Jesus. That’s why the letters (Epistles) use greetings like,

To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:” – 1 Thessalonians 1:1

It’s saying, “To the people who believe in Jesus and then adding that they are the ones who are also Thessalonians” (live in Thessalonica). With this understanding of what the church is, it’s possible that there are people who attend a “church,” but aren’t actually a part of the church because they don’t believe. Also, with this understanding of the church, we can start to see who the church belongs to.


The church is made of those who follow Jesus. He formed the church and He is the church’s head.

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” – Matthew 16:18

Jesus has given us the church both for our benefit and the spread of the Gospel. In it, we are fed by His Word, encouraged by our brothers and sisters, and kept faithful in doctrine and actions. In it we also work together as one body with many members, each with unique gifts and personalities to show the love of Jesus to those outside the church and proclaim His Gospel.

So, we have the church, not because some people long ago wanted to form a club, but because Jesus built it on His Word.

We gather in the church, not because we are forced to, but because by it we grow in God’s Word, experience the love of Christ in the words and actions of others, and are kept firmly in the faith.

We conduct the church, not according to our own selfish and changing whims, but according to Jesus’ leading by His Word and His Spirit.

Thank God for the church!

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for building Your church and bringing me into the church. May I always cherish it as the blessing it is and serve in it according to Your will for the good of myself, my brothers and sisters, and the world around me.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt