Praying With Jesus: Change My Heart

Praying With Jesus: Change My Heart

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is -his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2

Why do we pray?

  • Are we asking God to help us?
  • Are we trying to manipulate God into doing what we want?
  • Do we want to thank and praise God?
  • Do we just want to talk to our Savior?

The truth is we probably have prayed for all these reasons at one point or another. However, here’s something to consider…

Prayer is less about us trying to change/persuade God and is more about us being changed by God.

When we pray, by definition, we are admitting that we can’t handle things on our own. We must humble ourselves and remember who is the source of all Good things.

Oftentimes, God’s answer to our prayers includes changing us. Think about it. If prayer were about getting God to do what we want, we would be making God more like us and that wouldn’t be good.

Instead, we seek to be transformed by God to be more like Him. Then, as He acts, we can see that His will is better than ours. His will is good and pleasing. His will is perfect.

We can even pray for God to change us.

Prayer has a natural way of changing us, but it is also good for us to consciously and intentionally humble ourselves and ask God to change our hearts and minds to be more like Him. What a wonderful prayer to be more like God?!

Heavenly Father,

I have many needs and desires. I pray that You would provide for my needs knowing that You are the giver of all good things. I also pray that You would make my desires line up with Your desires. Change my heart, oh God. Transform me that I might see Your will, which is good and perfect.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Kurt